Club Policies

Club Policies     

The Mackay Athletics Club has an ongoing commitment to the health and well-being of its members, families and the general community.  The club is accredited to Level 3 in the Australian Drug Foundation’s Good Sports program.  The main Level 3 criteria is.

We are confident that these policies will continue to improve the environment at the Club as well as ensure it is a wonderful place to participate and socialise.  For more information about the Good Sports program, go to

Other Policies

National Integrity Framework - Including Member Protection Policy, Child Safeguarding Policy etc

SunSmart Policy

Mackay Athletics Club Constitution

Mackay Athletics Club Uniform and Shoe Policy

Know Your Event

A copy of this booklet is given free to member families of our club and assists in understanding some of the basic rules to the events we hold at club competition days.  A great booklet for learning some of the officials' duties at events also.  This booklet is exclusive to members only.


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